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Is KFC Fudging the Grilled Chicken Health Stats?

Alright, we’ll be the first to concede that although KFC’s grilled chicken might not be the healthiest meal you could eat, it still offers more nutritional value than the fried alternative. However, it seems as if KFC isn’t satisfied with just having...

Personalized Beer Bottles Available From Heineken

For anyone sick and tired of drinking their Heineken from the distinct green bottle, boring old can, or even a mini-keg, the company has started offering customers an opportunity to customize their own beer bottle. Heineken’s new site features a surprising...

The pizza box you probably wis

It doesn’t get much simpler than this, but the “Green Box” is one of those remarkable things that makes you immediately want to say, “I totally could have thought of that,” despite the idea having never even crossed your mind. Sure,...

8 Things to Know Before You Order Fish and Chips

5) ‘Excuse Me, Waiter. There’s a Shark in My Food.’ Some environmental groups have substantiated that spiny dogfish numbers are down worldwide. But try to tell that to fishermen who still believe there are too many of these ugly fish (distant cousins...

8 Things to Know Before You Order Fish and Chips

People in the U.S. have a love-hate relationship with fish and chips–Great Britain’s greatest contribution to American cuisine. The gripe for most people is that fish is generally healthy until it gets deep-fried and served with fried spuds and other...

Charles Barkley Attempts The Bread Challenge

The challenge sounds simple enough, all you need to do is eat a single piece of bread in under 30 seconds. At the prompting of Chris Webber, and a promise of $5,000 if he was able to successfully complete the challenge, Charles Barkley decided to give it the old...