
​If you’re looking for the perfect Halloween party punch recipe, you could certainly do worse than making a giant bowl of zombie punch. This high powered rum drink packs enough power to make even the most sturdy legged party goers a bit wobbly, and to top it all off, the punch has a kick ass name. Here’s how you make it:


2 cups curaçao or triple sec
2 750-ml. bottle gold rum or white rum
2 cups lime juice
2 cups orange juice
2 cups Over proof rum
2 oz. Pernod
1/2 cup grenadine
1 750-ml. bottle dark rum
1 cup lemon juice
1 cup papaya juice or pineapple juice
1 cup passion fruit juice or La Grande Passion
Pineapple slices

Mix the ingredients together in a punch bowl, add copious amounts of ice, and chill in your refrigerator for several hours. Garnish the punch with thin pineapple slices, and you’ve got yourself a perfect Halloween punch.

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