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6 Annoying Restaurant Trends We Could Do Without

Flickr: (klaus)We do love eating at restaurants, but certain trends tend to drive us completely up the wall. Regardless of the restaurant’s price point and quality, nothing can ruin the dining experience quite like having something shoved down your throat....

Free Chicken with One Small Catch…

Get ready to humiliate yourself and eat for free this Friday. Fans of fast-food staple Chick-fil-A should take note that this Friday marks the fifth observance of Cow Appreciation Day, and the bovine supporting chain is going to be giving away a free combo meal to...

The Daily Coffee Routine

Yesterday a friend alerted me to a comic on, a site offering amusing comics, quizzes, and stories that seemed particularly relevant to the world of Daily Fork. It’s a painfully accurate depiction of the five phases of caffeine intake, and should...

7 Fast-Casual Concepts That Are On The Rise

The term “fast-casual” has slowly made its way into our dining lexicon in recent times. These ubiquitous restaurants, which have seemingly popped up everywhere over night, are a hybrid of fast food and casual dining concepts. In other words, more detail is...

Threepeat, New World Record for Joey Chestnut

This weekend marked the 94th annual Nathan’s Hot Dog Eating Contest, and for the third straight year, Joey Chestnut walked away with the title. After an epic overtime win against competitive eating rival Takeru Kobayashi in last year’s contest, this year...

How to Graciously Send Food Back at a Restaurant

Almost everyone has probably had at least a couple meals that required some quick fixes (or major overhauls) from the kitchen before being ready for consumption. However, just because your meal isn’t quite right does not entitle you to suddenly throw common...